Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Couple that Stays Together...

Exfoliates together.

My girlfriends are always telling me how lucky I am - and they're right.

My boyfriend is my best friend.
He listens attentively while I gossip, he shops with me (reluctantly, I admit), 
and he's almost always up for spa days. 
(he also cooks for me, buys me chocolate during shark week, and is nice to my mom. IKR!)

I won't pretend our relationship is perfect, because it's not.
But it works.
Everything works - because we compromise.

Love is about compromise.
I don't mean sacrificing things you like because your significant other hates them.
I mean...
If you plan on dragging your man through the mall all afternoon, you'd better plan on spending the evening on the couch watching ESPN (or Oblivion, in my case.)

You have to take turns; you have to be fair and learn to love (or at least tolerate) each other's interests.
Because it works. 
(Not gonna lie, we ended up washing this junk off right after the pictures. I do not recommend the honey/cinnamon mask unless you like feeling sticky.) 

1 comment:

  1. Aww...this is so sweet! I love reading about how much girls love their boyfriends. I certainly love mine. I like homemade masks too. The last one I did was oatmeal and honey. :D

    xo, Samantha
